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5 Care Tips You Must Follow for a Clean Mouth


What is Restorative Dentistry?


Oral care is basically about controlling the bacteria that form in the mouth, that is, plaque control. These light-colored plaques with a purplish texture in the mouth are the main causes of tooth decay, inflammation of the teeth and gums and tartar formation. These formations must be removed from the mouth. This is only possible with effective cleaning and continuous maintenance periods.

What are the Materials Necessary for the Protection and Maintenance of Oral and Dental Health?

  • An age-appropriate toothbrush,
  • Dental floss
  • Interface brush,
  • A tongue brush that facilitates the cleaning of the tongue,
  • Liquids that allow gargling and mouthwashes.

Essential Care Tips for Oral Hygiene

  1. Proper and Sustainable Oral Care

Spending just five minutes every day brushing your teeth is quite sufficient and is the easiest and simplest method of prevention against the symptoms that may occur afterwards. As long as this habit is done at least 2 times a day, success will be achieved. In addition to brushing your teeth, we also use mouthwashes and dental floss. oral hygiene This will make the quality of care better.

  1. Useful Foods That Do Not Damage The Structure Of Teeth Should Be Preferred

In order to be healthy and support dental care, it will be beneficial to consume foods that contribute to the tooth structure. Foods such as pears, strawberries, carrots and apples help oral care with the minerals and vitamins they contain. In addition, their fibrous structure combines with the water in the mouth and plays a unique role in tooth cleaning.

  1. Avoid Foods Containing Acids

It is scientifically accepted that foods high in sugar and acids are harmful to oral and dental health, as well as to the general health of the body. Such foods cause teeth to deform more quickly.

  1. Drinking plenty of water is very beneficial for oral hygiene

Water has an important place in overall body health. Frequent water consumption gives the body a chance to tolerate any discomfort that may occur.

  1. Correct Toothbrush Usage

Since toothbrushes designed for children have softer bristles, they will help children who are new to brushing their teeth to adopt this habit in a healthy and happy way without experiencing pain, soreness and the feeling of being rasped.

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