Is Root Canal Treatment a Painful Procedure?
Root canal treatment is used to save teeth that are severely damaged due to different reasons such as decay and trauma. If the specialist dentist deems it appropriate, the problem tooth or teeth are completely cleaned of infection through root canal treatment.
During the treatment, a hole called a cavity is created in the tooth. The cleaning process is carried out by entering through the hole in question. The pulp and nerve tissue are also removed. The tooth and surrounding tissues are disinfected. As a result of all these procedures, the resulting cavity in the tooth root is filled using filling materials with high biological compatibility. The end of the filling process is a sign that the root canal treatment is also complete.
Well, do all these procedures, which can make some people a little uneasy, cause pain? In other words, does root canal treatment cause pain complaints?
Root canal treatment is a procedure performed under local anesthesia. Therefore, there is no pain or soreness during the procedure. However, in some cases where the problem in the teeth is very severe and the intensity of infection is high, it may take some time for complete numbness to occur. In this case, different numbing techniques are used and you wait until complete numbness is achieved.
Is There Pain After Root Canal Treatment?
After root canal treatment, it is possible and normal to experience some pain or sensitivity in the treated tooth and surrounding tissues. Since the mouth is kept open during the treatment, it is also normal to experience mild jaw pain for a while after the treatment. What is important at this point is the severity and persistence of the pain or tenderness in question.
Root canal treatment Mild painkillers can be used for non-severe pain that may occur due to dental problems. However, do not forget to consult your specialist dentist before using any medication.
For unbearably severe and persistent pain, you should consult a specialist immediately.
Failure to fulfill the necessary care and hygiene responsibilities for the tooth or teeth that have undergone root canal treatment can also lead to pain complaints in the short or long term.
For trouble-free and painless root canal treatment, it is important to get support from a specialized and experienced dentist in a professional clinical environment. Thus, easy, fast, comfortable and successful treatments become possible.