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What is Digital Dentistry?


What is Digital Dentistry?

With advanced technology becoming more and more intensely involved in medicine, as in every aspect of our lives, a new application or treatment method is being developed every day. With the help of technology, medicine is advancing at a pace perhaps never seen before in its history. Modern dentistry is also affected by this situation. Computer technology-supported dentistry applications have led to the emergence of digital dentistry.

So what is digital dentistry? What kind of applications does digital dentistry cover?

The Cad and Cam system, developed specifically for dentistry on a digital platform, corresponds to computer-aided design and production activities in dentistry. These two concepts are brought together by Cerec, a computer-aided 3D design and production device. This is the general outline of digital dentistry.

Images taken from inside the mouth through the Cerec Cad Cam system are processed by means of appropriate computer programs. After processing, they are sent to the production device, which also works with computer software. When done in this way, many dentistry treatments can produce much more perfect results.

What are the Advantages of Digital Dentistry Applications?

  • Treatment time in dentistry has shortened considerably. Treatments that would normally take days can be completed in a few hours.
  • Materials with high biocompatibility and aesthetic level, which are very difficult to process and use with traditional dentistry methods, are easily used thanks to digital dentistry applications. Thus, healthier and more aesthetic results are obtained.
  • Again, the impression-taking process used in traditional dentistry, which often triggers the patient’s gag reflex and can cause complaints such as nausea, has been abandoned. In digital dentistry, impression taking is performed by means of a micro-scale digital camera. In this way, the process becomes easier and healthier, and the margin of error is minimized.
  • The use ofdigital technology in dentistry has generally reduced the likelihood of failure in dental treatments caused by the physician or dental technician. In addition, it has made it possible to complete treatments with more aesthetic results.

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