Things to Consider During Orthodontic Treatment
Oral and dental health Many problems related to the jaw and structural disorders related to the jaw are eliminated with orthodontic treatments. Today, there are many alternative orthodontic treatments that have been developed to address effective and aesthetic concerns. Thanks to these treatments, people can permanently have healthy and aesthetically pleasing teeth.
Orthodontic Treatments usually involve some practices that require patience and discipline. Harmony and communication between the specialist and the patient are important. With treatment plans prepared individually and taking into account the expectations of the person, healthy and perfect looking teeth are no longer a dream.
Orthodontic treatment The main situations to be considered during the process can be listed as follows:
- In braces application, care should be taken in the choice of food and beverages during treatment. It is necessary to stay away from substances that can damage the brackets and wires attached to the teeth. Sticky foods such as chewing gum, sugar, too hard or seeded foods, acidic drinks are among the foods that should be avoided.
- Care should be taken to brush regularly during treatment. Otherwise, the food that accumulates between the teeth, brackets and wires prepares the ground for bacteria formation. While brushing twice a day is sufficient under normal conditions, it is necessary to do this after every meal during braces treatment.
- In addition to daily brushing, an interdental brush should be used once a day to clean the points that the toothbrush cannot reach.
- It is very important to strictly follow the guidance and recommendations of your specialist during the treatment. A disciplined and patient approach will allow you to have a more comfortable treatment process and shorten the treatment period.
- Do not neglect regular physician checks. The appliances used in orthodontic treatments should be updated regularly according to the movement of the teeth. For this, do not neglect to go to the control on the dates determined by the doctor. During this period, try to adapt your life to your treatment as much as possible.
When you are careful and attentive in all these matters, it will be even easier for you to have the perfect teeth and perfect smiles you dream of at the end of the planned treatment process. As long as you maintain patience, discipline and harmony in this process.