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How to Close the Gap Between Separated Front Teeth?


How to Close the Gap Between Separated Front Teeth?

Why Do Teeth Separate?

More than one reason can be listed for the condition of split teeth. In general, we can list them as follows;

  • Strong muscular connection between the front two incisors,

The high muscular connection between the teeth causes a gap between the teeth. This is also called a high frenulum connection.

  • Missing teeth in the jaw,

A missing number of teeth in the jaw on the occasion of genetic predisposition causes gaps between the teeth.

  • Hypoplasia of the lateral incisors,

Developmental disorders in the lateral incisors may also be among the reasons for gaps between the teeth.

  • Weak teeth

Although the development of the jawbone is at the desired level, the teeth sometimes do not develop sufficiently. This causes the teeth to remain small and the spaces between them to be separated.

Does Having Separated Teeth Cause Problems in the Future?

In a properly aligned jawbone, the teeth contact each other in a stable manner. This contact is not a damaging contact. These contact points are called tooth contact points. Dental contact points make chewing healthier and stronger and prevent food residues from lodging between the gums.

If there is a separation between the teeth and this situation is ignored and the treatment method is not taken, the following two results will probably be faced in the future.

Food residues that come into contact with the gums will cause bleeding and itching in the mouth. This will lead to bad breath.

  • Caries formation,

Caries will occur on the parts of the gums facing each other.

Of course, it would be wrong to say that every individual with gaps in their teeth will necessarily develop these conditions. But the situations that are most likely to occur are listed.

How to Close Split Teeth?

There are two methods for this. With the aesthetic filling method (composite lamina) or porcelain lamina methods, the problem of split teeth can be eliminated. When both applications are finished, a natural appearance will be provided. In addition, the person will be able to use dental floss on their own. In other words, the distance between the teeth will be reduced to ideal dimensions. The dentist will evaluate which treatment is more appropriate.

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