Oral and Dental Health in Babies
Milk Teeth and Caries
Milk teeth decay faster than permanent teeth because they have more organic matter in their structure. Children cannot interpret hot and cold sensitivity until the pain becomes unbearable. They do not pay as much attention to oral and dental health as adults. Parental attitude plays an important role in the acquisition of tooth brushing habits.
Deciduous teeth serve their functions and prepare their place until the permanent teeth arrive. Premature extraction of deciduous teeth jeopardizes the future of permanent teeth and leads to loss of function in the mouth. It should not be said that “they will be replaced anyway”. Milk tooth decay causes pain, bad odor, chewing difficulties, malnutrition and aesthetic loss. If dental disorders are not treated in time, they can lead to impaired jawbone development, crooked teeth and general health problems such as rheumatism.
How to Care for Babies’ Mouths
Breastfeeding babies for the first 4 months will ensure healthy development of the tissues and muscles around the mouth. In cases where breast milk is insufficient, a bottle should be used. From the age of 1, babies should get used to being fed with spoons and cups. The bottle should be discontinued from the age of 2. Pacifier and thumb sucking may be allowed to continue until 2.5 years of age.
Teeth should be cleaned from the moment they first appear. Teeth should be cleaned for three minutes each after breakfast and before going to bed. A clean cheesecloth or a damp gauze cloth should be used for baby dental care . At the age of 3, the use of a toothbrush should be started. The aim of tooth brushing at this age is to teach the child the habit of brushing teeth rather than cleaning the teeth. Since children cannot brush their teeth properly, a parent should support them. As a baby tooth cleaner , brushes made of soft bristles and suitable for mouth size should be used. Toothpaste should contain fluorine.
In some babies, teeth start to stain and fall out as soon as they erupt. Stains and loss are caused by cavities. These cavities are called bottle cavities. Breast milk and cow’s milk contain sugar. If the baby is fed just before bedtime or during sleep, milk accumulates in the mouth. The milk is also a breeding ground for germs to decay the teeth. This is why dental hygiene is important.