What are the Problems Caused by Decayed Teeth?
Tooth decay can cause serious health problems. Since we were little, we have heard that we should brush our teeth twice a day. While some listen to this saying, others neglect oral care. Regular oral care is very important for our health. Problematic and neglected teeth can cause unimaginable and irreversible diseases. These diseases can occur anywhere in the body.
- Gum Diseases
Neglecting oral care can cause cavities and periodontal or gum diseases can be seen in the mouth due to the plaque that forms. These diseases that occur in the mouth also affect internal organs through the digestive and circulatory systems. Gum disease consists of 3 stages:
- In the first stage, called gingivitis, excessive plaque build-up creates inflammation in the gums and causes them to swell. Flossing and regular brushing are sufficient to solve this problem.
- In the second and third stages, the bones and tissues in the mouth are severely affected and the plaque accumulated in the mouth deforms the teeth. This damage is irreversible. Depending on the severity of the damage, some effects can be reduced with appropriate treatment. Otherwise the teeth have to be extracted.
- Heart Disorders
In the light of scientific research, it has been discovered that bacteria that enter the body through the mouth can cause strokes, vascular blockages or heart attacks. Bacteria left in the mouth without brushing enter the bloodstream through the digestive system. Bacteria that reach the heart can cause a dangerous infection called Infective Endocarditis.
- Pneumonia
Pneumonia is also among the diseases caused by dental caries. Bacteria that enter the body through the mouth reach the lungs and cause lung infection. For older patients, pneumonia is extremely dangerous.
- Premature Births
Studies have shown that mothers of premature babies have dental problems or gum disease during pregnancy. Bacteria in the teeth can spread throughout the body through the digestive and circulatory systems. During pregnancy, if there are dental problems such as periodontal disease, bacteria entering through the mouth can reach the placenta and cause the weight of the fetus to decrease. To avoid such a problem, pregnant women should visit their dentist at regular intervals.