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What are the Stages of Endodontic Treatment?


What are the Stages of Endodontic Treatment?

Endodontik Tedavinin Aşamaları Nelerdir?

What is Endodontic Treatment?

The part of the teeth that is on the gum and visible in the mouth is called the crown, and the part that is in the bone and not visible in the mouth is called the root. Each tooth has a different number of roots. The soft connective tissue in the center of the tooth, common to the crown and root, which gives vitality to the tooth, is called pulp. The branch of dentistry that deals with diseases that have progressed to the dental pulp is called endodontics. Endodontics, also known as root canal treatment, is used in the treatment of cracks, fractures, caries, trauma and inflammation in the pulp. In the past, the only treatment available in case of pulp inflammation was tooth extraction. Today, thanks to endodontics, teeth are not extracted and can continue to function.

When tooth decay starts, microorganisms and decay progress between the dentin, enamel and cementum layers. The microorganisms try to spread to all tooth tissues. When they reach the pulp, the tooth becomes sensitive. These sensitivities are reactions of the pulp to external stimuli. Reactions sometimes become extremely severe and filling treatment becomes inadequate. In this case, root canal treatment (endodontic treatment) may be necessary.

What is an Endodontist?

Specialists who have completed their theoretical and practical training in the field of root canal treatment and have completed their doctorate are called Endodontists .

Root Canal Treatment Stages and Instruments Used

  • The condition of the tooth is evaluated by a specialist doctor and it is determined whether or not root canal treatment will be performed and, if so, how long it will take.
  • The area to be treated is anesthetized and the decay is cleaned. The tooth is opened from the crown to reach the nerves.
  • The length of the canal is determined by taking X-rays.
  • The pulp tissue is cleaned and shaped with various instruments.
  • The root canals are disinfected and filled with a material compatible with the adjacent tissues.
  • In cases where there is inflammation at the root tip, medication is placed in the root canals to destroy the bacteria. The medication lasts for at least 5-7 days, during which time the teeth are covered with a temporary filling material.
  • Root canal treated teeth are like normal teeth; they fulfill their duties as they should, decay, cracks and fractures may occur.
  • The treatment may vary between 1 and 3 sessions.
  • After the treatment, the tooth may feel temporary pain and sensitivity.
  • After treatment, oral care should be continued as before.

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