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Advantages of Starting Orthodontics at an Early Age


Ortodontiye Erken Yaşta Başlamanın Avantajları

Advantages of Starting Orthodontics at an Early Age

What are the advantages of starting orthodontics at an early age? Is there an age limit for orthodontic treatment?

What is Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontics is the branch of science that comes into play in the first detection of deterioration in the facial region and in some cases in the jaw, and then in the treatment process. Orthodontic treatment methods are applied in processes that will prevent an early treatment process, prevent the emergence of a situation other than expected, and ensure the correction of an abnormality that has occurred in the time following the application of orthodontic treatment. In this way, it is ensured that individuals have a normal and healthy structure.

Age Limit in Orthodontic Treatment

Another curious issue is the age limit for orthodontic treatment. Is there a certain age limit and when should it be started? There is no definite age limit for starting this treatment. But certainly, it would not be possible for a very young child to start this type of treatment, as the tooth formation is not yet complete. However, it is recommended that young children should be referred to a doctor for regular check-ups from about 7 years of age.

The main reason for this is that it is very important to identify and treat appearance disorders such as stenosis in the upper jaw, upper teeth under the lower teeth (originally called anterior crossbite disorder) and anterior teeth sticking out, i.e. toothbite, at an early age.

Is Seven Years Too Early?

When your child is 7 years old, orthodontic treatment may be beneficial depending on your child’s condition. It is quite absurd and unnecessary to set an exact orthodontic age limit. The main reason for this is that there may be differences in the rate of development between individuals or there may be an oral problem that needs to be solved early. After your child’s teeth have fallen out, you may experience similar problems with the new permanent teeth.

For this reason, it will be more convenient and easier for most children to have treatment between the ages of eleven and twelve. And in some cases, two-stage treatment for seven to eight or eleven to twelve year olds can be more laborious and take longer than one-stage treatment for eleven to twelve year olds.

Regardless of your child’s age, if your child has dental problems or not, you should definitely visit a physician and have regular oral and dental check-ups.

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