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Everything You Need to Know About Wisdom Teeth


Everything You Need to Know About Wisdom Teeth

Why was it late?

Wisdom teethAlthough it indicates the age of 20 and is expected to come out at that age, it is generally applied to the jaw between the ages of 17-30. Wisdom teeth cannot be erupted before the upper and lower jaw bone development is completed. Because of this development process, teeth are waiting to erupt.

How Do I Know When You’re Dating?

The wisdom teeth begin to erupt at the very back of the jawbone. When erupting, if there is no available space, it tries to find a place for itself by pushing the other teeth. This happens in a painful way. It is not possible not to notice this situation. Apart from this, if there is a problem with jaw closure, again wisdom teeth It will be useful to see a dentist, as it may be due to the fact that it starts to grow. Sometimes the root of the tooth may be parallel to the jawbone. Since this condition can only be detected by imaging, it is useful to be examined by a dentist at regular intervals.

What are the Problems During and After Dating?

If there is no space for a wisdom tooth in the jawbone, it will push the other teeth to find a place for itself. This pushing process will cause the structure of other teeth to deteriorate and their alignment to change. Crowded teeth will show themselves. In this case, food residues in the gaps between the teeth will cause bad breath and even inflammation. This will be followed by tooth decay and perhaps tooth loss.

You should consult your dentist about how to react to such situations. You should act according to the dentist’s advice or the treatment method to be applied.

Does it need to be withdrawn? Is it Mandatory?

All dentists endeavor to make an evaluation primarily on the retention and salvage of the teeth present in the mouth in the treatments they will apply. Therefore, it would be quite wrong to make a definitive judgment that wisdom teeth should be removed. However, if there is a situation such as deterioration of the jaw and tooth structure, it may be considered to be withdrawn upon the advice and evaluation of the occupational physician.

What Should Be Considered After Shooting?

After tooth extraction, the tampon should remain in the mouth for at least 30 minutes. Spit as little as possible. Do not eat or drink for two hours after the numbness has passed.

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