How is Broken Tooth Treatment Performed?
A tooth fracture can occur unexpectedly, as a result of a traumatic situation. And if the treatment is neglected, it is likely to cause much bigger problems. Therefore, when you experience any fracture, whether small or large, you should be examined by a specialist dentist without wasting time and you should be given the necessary treatment of broken tooth it is important that you take action. Tooth fractures are much more likely to occur in teeth that are already decayed. Depending on which tooth the fracture occurs and the severity of the fracture, different and effective treatment methods can be implemented.
In small-sized cracks in the anterior teeth, it is usually bonding application is used. Bonding, which is defined as the process of attaching composite material to the tooth, is considered the most suitable method for the treatment of broken front teeth.
For small-sized cracks in teeth other than the front teeth aesthetic filling is preferred. In aesthetic filling treatment, the existing crack is closed with filling material and in this way the strength of the tooth is preserved.
For deeper fractures and separations of the teeth, crown treatment is used. With the crown method, the aesthetic appearance of the tooth is restored. The crown coating method can be performed using metal, zirconium, ceramic or porcelain material. You can decide which of these will give better results, which one is more suitable for you, in mutual consultation with your specialist dentist.
Laminate veneer application is also preferred for fractures that occur mostly in the front teeth. It is the most frequently used treatment method for front teeth. This is because the laminate veneer application, known as leaf porcelain, gives the closest result to the natural tooth appearance. Leaf porcelain adheres extremely tightly to the tooth and does not cause problems such as discoloration and staining over time. Therefore, it gives very good results in terms of aesthetics and provides ease of use and comfort.
Root canal treatment is also one of the applications required by the specialist physician from time to time in the treatment of broken teeth. This method can be used if the tooth becomes infected following the fracture of the tooth. Root canal treatment does not treat the tooth fracture, but the infection that occurs due to the fracture.