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How is Impacted Tooth Treatment Performed?


How is Impacted Tooth Treatment Performed?

Gömülü Diş Tedavisi Nasıl Yapılır?Some teeth in people’s mouths may remain impacted due to different reasons. The main reasons are genetic characteristics, eating habits and dental functions. The most common cases of impacted teeth are wisdom teeth. These teeth do not erupt even though it is time for them to erupt and remain in the bone and soft tissue.

Inside the mouth impacted tooth The stay of a toothache can cause different discomforts in people. Toothache is one of these discomforts. In some cases, redness and swelling of the gums can also be seen. Bleeding gums, bad taste and odor in the mouth are also among the symptoms and complaints of impacted teeth. In the presence of such situations, it is important to get support from a specialist dentist without wasting time.

Impacted tooth treatment is performed by a specialist and experienced physician in a clinical setting.

Impacted Tooth Treatment

If the specialist dentist deems it appropriate to extract the tooth or teeth embedded in bone and soft tissue, this procedure can be performed with a small operation.

Impacted tooth surgery also known as impacted tooth extraction It is performed under local anesthesia. First, the tooth is numbed well with local anesthesia. Then the gum is split and the tooth inside is pulled out. Depending on the position of the tooth, it may sometimes be necessary to break it. In the end, the aim is to pull the tooth out completely. At the last stage, the gum is sutured and the operation is completed in this way.

There is no rule that all impacted teeth must be extracted. It is the specialist dentist who will decide which patient should have an impacted tooth extraction. For example, if there is a risk of damage to neighboring teeth or structures such as nerves and vessels due to the impacted tooth operation, it is not recommended to perform impacted tooth surgery. Also, if the general health condition of the patient is not suitable or if the patient is too old, embedded tooth extraction may not be performed. It is best to act with the advice and guidance of a trusted dentist.

Benefitsof Impacted Tooth Treatment

This treatment method has many advantages for people who are in good health and who are suitable for the extraction of impacted teeth in their mouth.

  • Prevents the appearance of tooth decay.
  • Allows the teeth to line up in the mouth in a healthy and proper way.
  • Eliminates pain caused by impaction.
  • Prevents cyst and tumor formation.
  • Prevents bad breath and bad taste sensation.

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