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Importance of Oral and Dental Health in Children


Importance of Oral and Dental Health in Children

The way to preserve the existence of healthy mouth and teeth for many years is through oral and dental care that is continued without interruption from childhood. Oral and dental care habits acquired at a young age are the greatest investment in the future in terms of dental health.

The time to start dental care routines is when your baby’s first tooth erupts. With the first milk tooth that erupts, care routines are started by cleaning the teeth with a clean and damp cloth after meals.

Also during this period, regular pediatric dentist visits should be started. When children are introduced to an experienced pedodontist from an early age and are not subjected to challenging experiences on their first visit, they do not develop any fear, anxiety or prejudice about dental examinations. Regular visits to the dentist become a part of their lives and they have the chance to recognize and treat any problems with their oral and dental health early on. In this way, they take one of the necessary and most effective steps to have healthy mouth and teeth for a lifetime.

It is possible to encounter different dental problems in different childhood periods. For example, orthodontic applications are among the most frequently used treatment methods especially for children during adolescence. Today, thanks to new treatment methods developed with the help of technology, orthodontics is no longer an area that causes anxiety for children, teenagers and adults. Transparent plate Thanks to many innovative treatment methods, patients can complete their treatment without aesthetic concerns.

At this point, the important thing is to bring children together with specialized, experienced physicians who love their job. Oral and dental health can be made permanent thanks to pedodontic specialists who can both inform the child about the correct dental care practices and diagnose existing or potential problems early.

You can reach the most reliable and successful dentists for yourself, your children and your loved ones through Uniqdent, which puts an end to your search fora dentist in Nişantaşı. You can take the most effective steps regarding your child’s oral and dental health from an early age thanks to the specialized and experienced dentists in the field of pediatric dentistry. With an individual and empathy-oriented approach, the Uniqdent team provides all kinds of treatment and guidance for your child to have healthy and radiant smiles for a lifetime.

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