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Porcelain Crown in Smile Design!


Porcelain Crown in Smile Design!

Modern dentistry today makes it possible to realize effective aesthetic smile design applications. There are many alternative treatments that can be applied for people who want to change the form and color of their teeth because they are not satisfied with their aesthetic appearance. Porcelain crown is one of these treatments. So what is porcelain crown treatment? How is it applied?

Porcelain crowns can be used on teeth that are not satisfied with their appearance and want to have an aesthetic appearance; for the protection of teeth that have undergone intense loss of material; to strengthen the filled tooth and to correct the appearance of severely crowded teeth.

This treatment applied on the tooth is a permanent coating method. The tooth to be applied porcelain crown is cut under local anesthesia. The teeth that are brought to the appropriate dimensions for the veneering process are measured. After that, the porcelain crown is prepared. The porcelain-containing material is given a tooth shape and the surface of the problem tooth or teeth is covered with the prepared material. In this way, the person has teeth that look perfect in the color and form they want.

The main difference ofporcelain veneer application from porcelain crown is the amount of abrasion on the tooth. Porcelain veneers consist of thin ceramic layers that replace tooth enamel. Porcelain veneers, which adhere to the outer surface of the tooth with minimal abrasion, are a very effective method to achieve a natural and aesthetic tooth appearance. With this treatment, excellent results can be achieved when a person is unhappy with the color, shape or contour of their teeth.

Treatments performed with a translucent porcelain crown create a natural and original tooth appearance. Porcelain crown is a biocompatible material. Therefore, it does not cause any allergic reaction.

What should be the care after porcelain crown treatment?

Regular oral and dental care should not be neglected in order to use the teeth treated with porcelain crowns for a long time in good health and with the appearance of the first day. Daily brushing and maintenance procedures should be applied without interruption, and cleaning should be detailed by using dental floss from time to time. The use of interdental brushes is also among the recommended practices to support oral hygiene. It is possible to continue to use porcelain crown veneers for many years when the necessary maintenance procedures are carried out regularly without neglecting and the physician controls are not interrupted.

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