Wisdom Teeth
The formation of wisdom teeth begins in childhood and they usually occupy their place in the mouth between the ages of 18 and 24. However, these teeth can sometimes cause problems. When these teeth, which do not come through even after several years, remain completely or partially embedded in the jawbone, they must be examined by a specialized dentist and removed if necessary. The common problem of impacted wisdom teeth in dentistry, if ignored, can lead to serious health problems
Wisdom teeth can be completely or partially embedded in the jaw. Because completely impacted wisdom teeth do not have direct contact with the oral cavity, they usually do not cause serious infectious problems. As long as they do not cause cavities on adjacent teeth, inflammation of the gums or cystic structures in the surrounding tissue, an extraction is not necessary. However, if one or more of these issues arise, they should be removed without delay.
Partially enclosed wisdom teeth, some of which remain in the jaw and some of which erupts, have a higher risk of inflammation and abscesses. In order not to endanger oral and mandibular health, these teeth must be treated in time. A delay in the removal of problematic wisdom teeth can also lead to heart and kidney disease.
The extraction of impacted teeth is fundamentally no different from that of other teeth. However, if surgery is required, it is performed by maxillofacial surgeons. Before the operation, it may be necessary to take certain medications recommended by the doctor.
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Benefits of wisdom teeth removal
The treatment promotes the emergence and maintenance of a healthy and aesthetic dental position.
It prevents tooth loss.
It prevents cavities from forming.
It eliminates odor and hygiene problems caused by wisdom teeth.
When should a wisdom teeth extraction be performed?
Because wisdom teeth grow in the furthest corners of the jaw, they are difficult to maintain and cavities often appear. Treating cavities on these teeth is difficult, sometimes even impossible. Therefore, cavities are a valid reason for wisdom teeth removal.
If infections occur during the eruption of wisdom teeth, leading to swollen gums or bad breath, or if, in the case of partially impacted teeth, peri- coronitis with symptoms such as fever, facial swelling, bad breath, swelling and pain in the lymph nodes occurs, treatment is necessary.
Call us now and let us plan our wisdom teeth treatment solutions especially for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is wisdom teeth removal still necessary?
No, it’s not always necessary. As long as they perform their normal function and do not cause cavities or malocclusions, they do not need to be extracted.
Are wisdom teeth the only ones that can be included?
More rarely, the canines or premolars may also be included. These teeth should be treated like wisdom teeth.
Are there any differences between wisdom teeth and normal teeth removal?
Basically, there is no difference. However, due to issues such as the position or size of wisdom teeth, their location, or their condition included, more detailed intervention may be required. If everything is normal, the extraction is no different from that of normal teeth.
Does wisdom teeth removal cause pain?
During the procedure, local anesthesia is applied, so that no pain is felt.
Does pain appear after wisdom teeth removal?
After the effect of the anesthesia wears off, mild pain may occur. Mild pain and discomfort after surgical removal of wisdom teeth can be alleviated with pain-killers.
Does swelling occur after wisdom teeth removal?
It depends on the person. However, slight swelling of the face is normal after wisdom teeth are extracted. Swelling can be treated by applying cold compresses.
When is an operation for wisdom teeth removal necessary?
An operation is necessary if the tooth or teeth are partially or completely impacted.
What should be done after wisdom teeth removal?
Blood-thinning medications and activities that can cause bleeding, such as spitting or playing with the tongue, should be avoided.
On the first day after the operation, very hot, very cold and hard foods should be avoided. Warm and soft foods should be preferred.
- An antiseptic mouthwash should be used according to the dentist’s instructions.
Smoking should be avoided in the first few days after the operation.
- Apply an ice pack every ten minutes.
Nişantaşı Wisdom tooth removal
Wisdom teeth are among the teeth that cause the most problems. They can cause various problems such as impaction in the jaw, pain, and infections. In order to prevent wisdom teeth problems from leading to serious complications and damaging other teeth, appropriate and timely measures must be taken.
Under the guidance of oral surgeons, wisdom teeth- specific extraction procedures can be performed. If necessary, surgical treatments are applied. Contrary to popular belief, the extraction or surgical treatment of these teeth, when performed with the right methods, is simple and comfortable.
For your wisdom teeth treatment needs in Nişantaşı, Uniqdent is the right address for a comfortable treatment experience. Let wisdom teeth stop being a nightmare. Entrust your dental health to highly specialized doctors and say hello to a healthier future and happy smiles.
Wisdom teeth, known as the third large molars in the mouth, are usually found as impacted teeth in the jawbone. They appear between the ages of 19 and 23 on each side of the jaw, at the very back. In some cases, they remain included. The decision to remove these teeth is made by the specialized dentist.
Wisdom teeth are usually extracted due to cavities, gum inflammation, impacted teeth, or cyst formation. Of these four teeth in total, one or more are sometimes not in a good position.
In this case, chewing problems may occur. In addition, mispositioned teeth can negatively influence the alignment of other teeth in the mouth, which can ultimately lead to dental malocclusions.
To prevent wisdom teeth from affecting the aesthetics of your teeth and harming the health of your mouth and teeth, seek the help of a specialized dentist. Get the necessary information on the treatment of wisdom teeth and let yourself be treated by the experienced dentists of the Uniqdent family.
To avoid discomfort, chewing malfunctions, impacts on aesthetic appearance and other similar problems, and to solve the existing problem as quickly as possible, collaborate with Uniqdent. Achieve healthy and long-lasting teeth through comfortable, careful and professional treatment processes.
Neither your health nor your smile should be sacrificed to problems related to your wisdom teeth.
In cases of painful wisdom tooth eruption.
When wisdom teeth cause misalignment in the dental arch.
If wisdom teeth that cannot erupt in the correct position lead to significant cheek-biting issues.
In cases where cyst formation occurs due to impacted teeth, wisdom tooth treatment is applied.