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The Effect of Dental Health on the Body; Do Dental Caries Cause Visual Impairment?


The Effect of Dental Health on the Body; Do Dental Caries Cause Visual Impairment?


What is the Importance of Dental and Oral Health?

Oral and dental health Damage to the mouth and teeth can lead to serious health problems in the heart, brain, kidneys, digestive system and joints. The mouth and teeth affect the functioning of many organs in our body. A small cavity can cause infections and diseases in another part of the body. Caries infection in the teeth can spread to various parts of the body through the circulatory system. The answer to the question “Do dental caries cause visual impairment?” is yes.

The mouth is the beginning of the digestive system. Therefore, if the gum structure and the health of the teeth deteriorate, the stomach and digestive system are directly affected. During consumption, our teeth mix the food they break down with saliva and make it suitable for digestion. Teeth also affect our personal life as they form our smiles. Our tongue also has critical functions such as speaking, tasting, swallowing and chewing.

Tooth loss, which occurs as a result of failure to maintain dental health, directly causes problems when speaking and pronouncing words. It also causes problems for other organs in the oral structure, such as the gums, as it makes swallowing and chewing functions difficult and increases the formation of bacteria.

The two most important diseases in oral and dental health are gum infections and tooth decay. Gum diseases, It can cause discomfort up to the melting of the jawbone where the tooth sockets are located.

How Do Gum Diseases Affect Our Body Health?

The bidirectional relationship between gum disease and systemic diseases has long been recognized. Gum diseases can trigger systemic diseases in two ways.

The first way is direct multiplication of microbes in the gums in other organs. In other words, microbiological organisms and their products in the gums can be distributed to many parts of the body through the circulatory system. The presence of bacteria in the blood is the most basic symptom.

The second way is that the microbes caused by gingivitis cause systemic inflammation. There is a relationship between gum diseases and diseases such as rheumatoid, heart diseases, diabetes and pregnancy complications.

In addition, systemic diseases can also cause gum disease. Examples include diabetes and blood diseases.

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