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Ways to Prevent Tooth Loss


Ways to Prevent Tooth Loss

Tooth decay and subsequent tooth loss are situations that no one wants. Caries can result in pain, bad breath and even tooth loss. Although it usually affects children and young people, it can occur at any age.

What is Caries and How Does It Occur?

Decay is a gradual process and without intervention, a cavity will eventually develop into a hole. Bacteria form structures in the mouth called plaque. When sugary foods are consumed, these plaques turn into stickier forms and take the form of tartar. These bacteria and tartars start to form yellowish decay on the tooth surface and, if not intervened, holes. These holes can sometimes be very long. They can extend not only to the enamel but also deeper into the pulp. This process causes severe toothache and can result in tooth loss.

What are the Symptoms of Decay?

It sometimes appears as a brown or black spot on the tooth surface. However, it can usually only be detected by X-ray. For this reason, it is useful not to disrupt regular dentist checks. Apart from this situation, in general, the following symptoms begin to make themselves felt in the province;

  • A bad taste in the mouth and a persistent odor,
  • Sensitivity of the gums on the teeth,
  • Pain that worsens after consuming sugary drinks and hot or cold foods,
  • White spots on the tooth, as if marked with chalk.

What are the Ways to Prevent?

Tooth lossThe most basic, simplest and most effective method of preventing tooth decay is to combat plaque formation. Plaque has a form that can form every day. It has the potential to exist by benefiting from the foods eaten and drunk every day. For this reason, teeth should be brushed regularly every day. This brushing process should be as described and recommended by your dentist and using appropriate toothpaste and brushes. Other than that, in general;

  • Avoid starchy and sugary foods,
  • Brushing teeth at least twice a day for at least two minutes each time,
  • Flossing at least once a day so that there is no food residue around the teeth will be very beneficial for oral and dental health.

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