What are the Factors Affecting Implant Success?
Adental implant is a metal post that is surgically attached to the jawbone to support an artificial tooth. Once in place, the oral surgeon will attach a replacement tooth to the implant.
Dental implants have a high success rate, but some people may experience dental implant failure. It is estimated that about 5 to 10 percent of dental implants fail, either shortly after a treatment or months or years later.
If you are planning to havedental implant surgery or if you currently have an implant, there are some details you should know about implant failure and other possible complications.
Many factors can affect the success rate of a dental implant. These can be listed as follows.
1- Gum Diseases
Healthy gums are a criterion for dental implant surgery and you cannot have implant treatment with active gum disease.
Gum disease is an infection that can damage the gums and jawbone. An untreated infection around the implant can develop and lead to failure. Before you get an implant, you need to be treated by a dentist to treat gum disease.
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2- Smoking
Smoking can also cause dental implants to fail because it restricts blood flow to the gums, slowing the healing process. Multiple research studies show that smokers can have a dental implant failure rate of up to 20 percent.
Just because you smoke does not mean you are not suitable for dental implants. However, you can get a better result if you stop smoking one week before the dental implant and do not smoke for at least two months after the implant is placed.
3- Jawbone Problems
Successful treatment also depends on healthy jawbone to support the implant. When the jawbone is not healthy enough, the surgeon cannot place the implant in your jaw.
Bone loss can occur with osteoporosis. This develops when bone density decreases. Bones become brittle and the risk of fractures increases. Severe gum disease can also cause the bones in the mouth to deteriorate.
4- Medical Problems and Medications
If conditions such as an autoimmune disease or diabetes that cause the body to heal more slowly are diagnosed, dental implant failure can be a possibility. Slow healing can prevent osseointegration, where the implant fuses or integrates with your jawbone.
The use of certain medications can also cause a dental implant to fail. Therefore, it is important to discuss your current medications (prescription and non-prescription) with your oral surgeon.
Research has shown that antidepressant medications may also have negative effects on implant treatment.(source)
5- Inadequate Dental Care
Good oral care after a dental implant also has an impact on the success of implant treatment. If you have limitations that affect your range of motion or hinder your ability to clean your teeth thoroughly, you may not be a suitable candidate for dental implants. Implant treatment It will be healthy to discuss what needs to be done with your specialist dentist.
What are the Factors Affecting Implant Success?