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What is Failed Root Canal Treatment? What are the Symptoms?


What is Failed Root Canal Treatment? What are the Symptoms?


Dentists perform root canal treatments with high success rates every year. Root canal treatment is the treatment of damaged teeth in the pulp part of the tooth. However, despite all these experienced practices, there is of course the possibility of a failed root canal treatment. A failed root canal treatment requires emergency root treatment and is a commonly known procedure.

What are the Symptoms of a Failed Root Canal Treatment?

  • Pain Sensation

Root canal treatment It is normal to feel pain for the next few days. What is not normal is for these pains to persist and sometimes increase.

  • Swelling of the Gums

It is quite normal to observe some swelling in the first few days after treatment due to the procedures performed in the tooth area. If any swelling is detected after healing, a dentist should be consulted.

  • Discharge

The treated tooth and the surrounding in the gums The observation of pus-filled discharges is an indication that the treatment has been unsuccessful.

  • Slippage or Acne Formation on the Chin

Boiling in the jaw and acne formation that does not go away indicate that something has gone wrong in root canal treatment.

  • Discoloration of Teeth

Discoloration of the teeth after root canal treatment is not an expected symptom. This should be taken as a sign that the root canal treatment has failed and the dentist should be informed.

  • Lack of Root Canal Treatment Causing Failure of Root Canal Treatment

A common and widespread cause of root canal treatment failure is improper sanitation. The dentist may have made every effort to ensure that the treatment area is sterile. However, it is necessary to prevent saliva from entering the cleaned area of the treatment procedure. If saliva comes into contact with the treated area, it can damage the operation due to the large number of bacteria it contains.

  • Missing nerves are another cause of unsuccessful root canal treatment

Another important reason for a failed root canal treatment may be that some nerves are missed by the dentist. Before the root canal treatment is started, the nerves are identified by taking X-rays and often mapped. If defective equipment is used, some nerves may be missed. This situation should be corrected immediately with emergency root canal treatment.

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