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What is Fluorosis, a Pedodontic Problem?


Pedodontik Bir Problem, Florozis Nedir?

What is Fluorosis, a Pedodontic Problem?

What Does Fluorosis Mean?

Fluorosis is an enamel defect that occurs in people whose teeth, gums and mouths are exposed to too much flora during tooth development. The consequences are manifested in the form of light spots ranging from white to yellow or brown.

What is Fluorosis? What are the Causes?

Permanent teeth continue to develop under the gums even during childhood. On average, all permanent teeth, except wisdom teeth, have completed their development by the age of 8. If too much fluorine is consumed during childhood, the enamel layer that forms the outer surfaces of the teeth may be damaged and formation disorders may occur.

Such disorders can take different forms, from very slight discoloration to surface defects. Excess fluorine does not affect other parts of the teeth. Excess fluorine does not affect other parts of the teeth. Once it is applied to the teeth, the chance of fluorosis is very low. Fluorosis, which affects the teeth only aesthetically and is not a disease, is usually recognized by dentists.

What are the Symptoms of Fluorosis?

Teeth with mild fluorosis can give symptoms that are quite difficult to recognize or can be recognized by dentists. From mild to moderate, you can see white lines and dots appearing. In severe fluorosis, the situation is different. Pitting of the teeth and brown, gray, black colored spots and enamel formation disorders are observed.

What are the Ways to Prevent Fluorosis?

  • If you have a child or children under the age of 6, have them brush their teeth by adding toothpaste no bigger than a pea to the toothbrush. Inform and train them not to swallow the paste and make sure they spit it out. We do not recommend using flavored toothbrushes, which can cause them to swallow.
  • Children who do not have enough fluorine in their drinking water may be recommended fluorine tablets by their doctor. If the child is not taking fluoride tablets, be sure to check the amount of fluorine in the drinking water. Once you know this amount, you should contact your dentist to find out what should be done.
  • Some foods contain fluorine. For example, many fruit juices and soft drinks contain at least as much fluorine as fluoridated water. Young children should not consume too much of these foods.

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