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What is Good for Tooth Swelling?


What is Good for Tooth Swelling?

What Causes Swollen Gums?

In order to maintain oral and dental health for many years, oral hygiene, regular care and regular dental check-ups should never be neglected. Any sign of discomfort that threatens oral and dental health is another important issue that should not be neglected.

The main cause of tooth swelling is neglected tooth decay. Decay in a tooth that has not been treated for a certain period of time infects the core of the tooth. This can lead to tooth abscess and tooth swelling. With tooth swelling, symptoms such as throbbing, fever, swollen lymph nodes, pain in the jaw and tooth sensitivity can be seen. As a result, tooth swelling is an inflammatory problem and should be taken seriously and treated as soon as possible. If the specialist dentist deems appropriate, the infection in the tooth is dried by taking antibiotic treatment. Painkillers can be used for pain. If needed, the inside of the tooth is cleaned from the infection and disinfected. Thus, the discomfort that causes tooth swelling is eliminated.

Gum Swelling

Different gum conditions can cause gum swelling and inflammation. Gingivitis is one of the main causes of swollen gums. Sensitivity and pain, redness, difficulty eating and speaking, and bleeding gums are some of the symptoms that can be seen with swollen gums.

Swollen gums can usually be cured through effective oral care and avoiding hard foods for a while. However, in the case of more serious gum diseases, gum swelling may persist for longer. If not intervened in time, it can lead to gum recession and even tooth loss.

For cases of swollen gums that last longer than a few days, it is necessary to consult a specialist dentist without wasting any more time. After diagnosing the underlying condition, the specialist will apply the appropriate treatment method. Medical treatments for swollen gums include mouthwash and antibiotics. However, if the inflammation in question is very widespread and antibiotics are not effective, surgical operation may be considered.

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