What Should We Know Before Getting Dental Implants?
At the beginning of the long-lasting treatments for tooth loss due to different reasons implant treatment comes from. Implant treatment is based on artificial tooth roots that are surgically implanted into the jawbone and can mimic the function of a real tooth root. Performed in cases where there is a single missing tooth single tooth implant Thanks to this application, only the missing tooth can be replaced with an artificial tooth root and a prosthesis on the implant without touching the teeth on the sides.
Implant treatment is also one of the most frequently used applicationsin multiple tooth loss. Thanks to the treatments performed by placing one or two implants in the area where there is tooth loss, people get teeth with a strong, functional and aesthetic appearance that they can use for a lifetime.
In cases of complete edentulism, if the specialist dentist finds it appropriate to have all teeth implanted possible. For this, the All On Four technique can be implemented. With this method, all teeth are supported by four implant teeth.
With all these types and alternative methods, implant treatment is a highly effective treatment for tooth loss, discovered and developed by modern dentistry. So what do you need to know before getting a dental implant?
- Implant treatment is a very advantageous application in terms of being long-lasting and not damaging the surrounding teeth during treatment.
- Themost important pointin implant treatment is that the jawbone accepts the artificial tooth roots known as implants. At this point, bone thickness and height are important. Bone measurements before the implant application and the implementation of bone strengthening treatments, if necessary, are part of the treatment.
- Implant treatment cannot be performed on people with unsuitable jaw bone structure, poor general health, excessive smoking, severe gum diseases and people under the age of 18.
- Implant roots are permanent structures that are surgically placed into the jawbone. It is not possible to remove and replace them at will.
- A waiting period of 3-4 months is needed for the implants to fuse and consolidate with the bone.
- The surgical procedure can be performed under local or general anesthesia.
- Smoking should be avoided during treatment.
- In the treatment of implant teeth, applications such asimplant brushes, dental floss and mouthwash should be utilized. Because the life of implant teeth is directly proportional to the importance given to oral and dental care.